Source code for revitron.analyze

The ``revitron.analyze`` module helps you to automate analysing the health and status of a model and to extract 
several types of data and statistics in order to simplifiy BIM quality control. Extracted data is stored 
as snapshots in a SQLite database to be consumed by other applications or dashboards.
import json
import sys
import os
import glob
import pyrevit
from revitron import String
from revitron.analyze.providers import *
from import *
from revitron.analyze.history import *

[docs]class ModelAnalyzer: """ The ``ModelAnalyzer`` class applies a configured set of data providers on a model and creates snapshots with the extracted statistics in a given SQLite database. """
[docs] def __init__(self, configJson, cliLog): """ Init a ``ModelAnalyzer`` instance. Args: configJson (string): The configuration JSON file cliLog (CliLog): The CLI log instance """ self.log = cliLog.write file = open(configJson) config = json.load(file) file.close() try: self.storageDriver = config['storage']['driver'] self.storageConfig = config['storage']['config'] self.providers = config['providers'] self.model = self._getLocalPath(config['model']) except: from revitron import Log self.log('Invalid analyzer configuration JSON file') sys.exit(1) self.history = DirectusHistorySynchronizer(config)
[docs] def snapshot(self): """ Create a snapshot and store the given ``DataProviderResult`` list along with a timestamp using a given storage driver. """ results = [] try: storageDriverModule = __import__(__name__) storageDriverClass = getattr( storageDriverModule, '{}StorageDriver'.format(self.storageDriver) ) storageDriverInstance = storageDriverClass(self.storageConfig) except: self.log('Error instanciating the storage driver') sys.exit(1) for provider in self.providers: providerClass = provider.get('class') providerName = provider.get('name') providerConfig = provider.get('config') results.append( DataProviderResult(providerClass, providerName, providerConfig) ) try: modelSize = os.path.getsize(self.model) except: modelSize = 0 storageDriverInstance.add(results, modelSize) self.history.sync() self.log('Finished snapshot')
def _getLocalPath(self, model): if model['type'] == 'local': return model['path'] else: modelGUID = model['modelGUID'] projectGUID = model['projectGUID'] fileName = os.path.join(projectGUID, '{}.rvt'.format(modelGUID)) cliRuntimeCache = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '_CC', fileName) if os.path.isfile(cliRuntimeCache): return cliRuntimeCache else: cache = r'C:\Users\{}\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit {}\CollaborationCache'.format( os.getenv('username'), pyrevit.HOST_APP.uiapp.Application.VersionNumber ) pattern = os.path.join(cache, '*', fileName) files = glob.glob(pattern) try: return files[0] except: return ''
[docs]class DataProviderResult: """ The ``DataProviderResult`` object handles the execution of a data provider by creating a unified results object containing the provider name, the resulting value and its data type. """
[docs] def __init__(self, providerClass, providerName, providerConfig): """ Inits a new provider class instances and runs the provider's ``run()`` method in order to populate the value property. Args: providerClass (string): The class name for the data provider that has to be used providerName (string): A descriptive name to generate the storage field providerConfig (dict): The configuration that is passed to the data provider """ module = __import__(__name__) cls = getattr(module, providerClass) providerInstance = cls(providerConfig) self._value = self._name = providerName self._valueType = providerInstance.valueType self._dataType = providerInstance.dataType
@property def name(self): """ The name that is used to create a storage field. Returns: string: The field name """ return '{}__{}'.format(self._valueType, String.sanitize(self._name).lower()) @property def value(self): """ The resulting value. Returns: mixed: The value that is returned by the provider's ``run()`` method """ return self._value @property def dataType(self): """ The data type that is used to store the value. Returns: string: The data type """ return self._dataType