Source code for revitron.boundingbox

The ``boundingbox`` submodule complements the **Revit API** bounding box methods 
by a simple helper class for working with bounding box elements.

[docs]class BoundingBox: """ A ``BoundingBox`` class instance is a wrapper element for Revit bounding box object. Create a new instance as follows:: bbox = revitron.BoundingBox(element) Or even:: bbox = _(element).getBbox() """
[docs] def __init__(self, element): """ Inits a new BoundingBox instance for an element. In case the element has a scope box applied, the scope box's bounding box is taken. In case the element has no scope box, but is a view plan, the crop box is used. The default Revit bounding box is used for all other elements. Args: element (object): A Revit Element """ import revitron self.bbox = False if revitron._(element).get('Scope Box'): self.bbox = revitron._(revitron._(element).get('Scope Box')).getBbox().bbox elif revitron._(element).getClassName() == 'ViewPlan': self.bbox = element.CropBox else: self.bbox = element.get_BoundingBox(None)
@property def Min(self): """ The ``Min`` point of the bounding box. Returns: object: A Revit XYZ object """ try: return self.bbox.Min except: pass @property def Max(self): """ The ``Max`` point of the bounding box. Returns: object: A Revit XYZ object """ try: return self.bbox.Max except: pass
[docs] def containsXY(self, bbox2): """ Checks whether the bounding box contains another bounding box. Only in X and Y dimensions. Example:: contains = _(element1).getBbox().containsXY(_(element2).getBbox()) Args: bbox2 (object): A bounding box object Returns: boolean: True if the bounding box entirely contains bbox2 """ import revitron if isinstance(bbox2, revitron.BoundingBox): bbox2 = bbox2.bbox if self.hasPointXY(bbox2.Min) and self.hasPointXY(bbox2.Max): return True return False
[docs] def getCenterPoint(self): """ Returns the center point of the bounding box. Returns: object: A Revit XYZ object. """ return (self.Min + self.Max) / 2
[docs] def hasPointXY(self, point): """ Checks whether a point is inside a bounding box. Only in X and Y dimensions. Args: point (object): A point object Returns: boolean: True if the bounding box has the point inside """ if self.bbox.Min.X <= point.X <= self.bbox.Max.X and self.bbox.Min.Y <= point.Y <= self.bbox.Max.Y: return True return False