Source code for revitron.document

The ``document`` submodule contains classes to interact with the currently 
active **Revit** document or store individual project configurations within a model. 
import json

[docs]class Document: """ A basic wrapper class for Revit documents. Basic examples are:: path = revitron.Document().getPath() if revitron.Document().isFamily(): pass In case you want to work with any other model than the active one, it is possible to change the context to that model using the ``with`` statement. Changing the context to another model will internally redefine the ``revitron.DOC`` property within the scope of that ``with`` statement. Therefore it is also possible to use a ``revitron.Filter`` instance on any model by just using a filter within a ``with`` statement:: with revitron.Document(doc): fltr = revitron.Filter().noTypes() elements = fltr.getElements() """
[docs] def __init__(self, doc=None): """ Inits a new Document instance. Args: doc (object, optional): Any document instead of the active one. Defaults to None. """ import revitron if doc is not None: self.doc = doc else: self.doc = revitron.DOC
[docs] def __enter__(self): """ Set ``revitron.DOC`` to the document of the current ``Document`` class instance. By default that will just be the active document and therefore ``revitron.DOC`` stays unchanged. """ import revitron self.cache = revitron.DOC revitron.DOC = self.doc
[docs] def __exit__(self, execType, execValue, traceback): """ Restore the original context. Args: execType (string): The execution type execValue (string): The execution value traceback (mixed): The traceback """ import revitron revitron.DOC = self.cache
[docs] def getDuplicateInstances(self, preferOlderElement=False): """ Returns a list of duplicate family instances. By default, the list contains always the younger more recently created duplicate instance. Note: This method requires **Revit 2018** or newer! Args: preferOlderElement (bool, optional): Optionally return the list with the older instances. Defaults to False. Returns: list: A list with duplicate instances, either the younger or the older ones. """ import revitron if revitron.REVIT_VERSION < '2018': revitron.Log().error( 'Method revitron.Document.getDuplicateInstances() is not supported by this Revit version!' ) return [] index = 1 if preferOlderElement: index = 0 of = revitron.DB.BuiltInFailures.OverlapFailures duplicates = [] for warning in self.doc.GetWarnings(): if warning.GetFailureDefinitionId().Guid == of.DuplicateInstances.Guid: ids = warning.GetFailingElements() duplicates.append(ids[index]) duplicates = list(set(duplicates)) return duplicates
[docs] def getLinkedDocuments(self, scope=None): """ Returns a dictionary of all linked documents. The key is the ID of the link and the value is the actual document object. Args: scope (mixed, optional): List or view ID. Defaults to None. Returns: dict: A dictionary of all linked documents. """ import revitron linkedDocuments = dict() extension = '.rvt' for link in revitron.Filter(scope).byCategory('RVT Links' ).noTypes().getElements(): linkType = revitron.Parameter(link, 'Type').getValueString() if linkType.endswith(extension): linkType = linkType[:-len(extension)] for openDoc in revitron.APP.Documents: if openDoc.IsLinked: if openDoc.Title == linkType: linkedDocuments[link.Id] = openDoc return linkedDocuments
[docs] def getPath(self): """ Returns the path to the document. Returns: string: The path """ return self.doc.PathName
[docs] def isFamily(self): """ Checks whether the document is a family. Returns: boolean: True in case the document is a family """ try: if self.doc.FamilyManager is not None: return True except: pass return False
[docs] @staticmethod def isOpen(path): """ Checks whether a document is open by passing its path. Args: path (string): The path Returns: boolean: True in case the document is open """ import revitron try: for doc in revitron.APP.Documents: if path == doc.PathName: return True except: pass return False
[docs] def synchronize(self, compact=True, comment=''): """ Synchronize the document. Args: compact (bool, optional): Compact while synchronizing. Defaults to True. comment (str, optional): A comment for the synch that shows up in the log. Defaults to ''. Returns: boolean: True on success """ try: import revitron syncOptions = revitron.DB.SynchronizeWithCentralOptions() syncOptions.Compact = compact syncOptions.Comment = comment syncOptions.SaveLocalAfter = False syncOptions.SaveLocalBefore = False revitron.DOC.SynchronizeWithCentral( revitron.DB.TransactWithCentralOptions(), syncOptions ) return True except: return False
[docs]class DocumentConfigStorage: """ The ``DocumentConfigStorage`` allows for easily storing project configuration items. Getting configuration items:: config = revitron.DocumentConfigStorage().get('namespace.item') The returned ``config`` item can be a **string**, a **number**, a **list** or a **dictionary**. It is also possible to define a default value in case the item is not defined in the storage:: from collections import defaultdict config = revitron.DocumentConfigStorage().get('namespace.item', defaultdict()) Setting configuration items works as follows:: revitron.DocumentConfigStorage().set('namespace.item', value) """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Inits a new ``DocumentConfigStorage`` object. """ import revitron self.storageName = 'REVITRON_CONFIG' = revitron.DOC.ProjectInformation raw = revitron._( = dict() if raw: = json.loads(raw)
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """ Returns storage entry for a given key. Example:: config = revitron.DocumentConfigStorage() item = config.get('name') Args: key (string): The key of the storage entry default (mixed, optional): An optional default value. Defaults to None. Returns: mixed: The stored value """ return, default)
[docs] def set(self, key, data): """ Updates or creates a config storage entry. Example:: config = revitron.DocumentConfigStorage() config.set('name', value) Args: key (string): The storage entry key data (mixed): The value of the entry """ import revitron[key] = data # Remove empty items. = dict((k, v) for k, v in if v) raw = json.dumps(, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False) t = revitron.Transaction() revitron._(, raw) t.commit()