Source code for revitron.geometry

The Geometry submodule and its ``Geometry`` class contain useful helpers for handling 
**Revit** element geometries. Note that it is possible to use the ``_()`` shorthand to get 
the geometry of an element as follows::

	geometry = _(element).getGeometry()

The full syntax without using the shorthand can also be used::

	geometry = revitron.Geometry(element)
import math

[docs]class Geometry: """ A collection of useful methods for handling Revit element geometries. """
[docs] def __init__(self, element): """ Inits a new Geometry instance. Args: element (object): A Revit element """ import revitron self._geometry = element.get_Geometry(revitron.DB.Options())
[docs] def getFaces(self): """ Get a list of all faces of a given element. Returns: list: A list of face objects """ faces = [] for solid in self.getSolids(): try: for face in solid.Faces: faces.append(face) except: pass return faces
[docs] def getSolids(self): """ Get a list of all solids of a given element. Returns: list: A list of solid objects """ solids = [] try: for geo in self._geometry: try: for item in geo.GetInstanceGeometry(): try: if item.Volume: solids.append(item) except: pass except: try: if geo.Volume: solids.append(geo) except: pass except: pass return solids
[docs] def getCurves(self, curveType='Line'): """ Get a list of all curves by type of a given element. Note: Child classes of Autodesk.DB.Curve can be used. Args: curveType (str, optional): The type of curve to return. Defaults to 'Line'. Returns: list: A list of curve objects """ curves = [] for geo in self._geometry: try: for item in geo.GetInstanceGeometry(): if item.GetType().Name == curveType: curves.append(item) except: pass return curves
[docs]class GeometryUtils: """ The GeometryUtils class contains a collection of static utility methods for dealing with geometry related tasks. """
[docs] @staticmethod def getAbsoluteAngleXY(base, endpoint): """ Get the absolute angle between 0 and 360 degrees of a vector counter clockwise relative to the X-axis. Args: base (XYZ): The base point that represents 0,0 of the coordinate system endpoint (XYZ): The endpoint of the line starting from the basepoint that represents the vector in question Returns: float: The absolute angle between 0 and 360 degrees """ from revitron import DB vector = endpoint - base angle = math.degrees(vector.AngleTo(DB.XYZ(1, 0, vector.Z))) if vector.Y < 0: angle = 360 - angle return angle
[docs] @staticmethod def getAngleXY(base, reference, endpoint): """ Get the angle from a vector to a reference. Note that the result returns positiv as well as negative angles depending on the relative location of the reference vector. Args: base (XYZ): The base point that represents 0,0 of the coordinate system reference (XYZ): The endpoint of the reference line starting from the basepoint endpoint (XYZ): The endpoint of the line starting from the basepoint that represents the vector in question Returns: float: The angle """ alpha = GeometryUtils.getAbsoluteAngleXY(base, endpoint) beta = GeometryUtils.getAbsoluteAngleXY(base, reference) angle = beta - alpha if angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 if angle < -180: angle = angle + 360 return angle
[docs] @staticmethod def getBoundaryPoints(boundary): """ Get a list of points from a given boundary that is usually returned by methods such as ``GetBoundarySegments``. Args: boundary (list): A list of boundary segment lists Returns: list: The list of points that define a boundary polygon """ boundaryPoints = [] for segmentsList in boundary: for segment in segmentsList: curve = segment.GetCurve() start = curve.GetEndPoint(0) boundaryPoints.append(start) return boundaryPoints
[docs] @staticmethod def polygonContainsPointXY(polygonPoints, point): """ Check whether a given polygon that is planar to a horizontal surface contains a given point. Note that both, the polygon as well as the point must share common Z values. The algorithm accumulates all angles (positive and negative) between neighboring lines that span from a given point to all vertices of the polygon. In case the accumulated absolute value equals 360, the point is located inside the polygon. Args: polygonPoints (list): A list of points point (XYZ): The point that is tested Returns: boolean: True, if the polygon contains the point """ for p in polygonPoints: if round(p.Z, 3) != round(point.Z, 3): return False accumulated = 0 prev = -1 for n in range(0, len(polygonPoints)): delta = GeometryUtils.getAngleXY(point, polygonPoints[prev], polygonPoints[n]) accumulated += delta prev = n accumulated = round(abs(accumulated)) return accumulated == 360