Source code for revitron.transaction

The ``transaction`` submodule contains a wrapper class to simplify the usage of transactions, 
transaction groups and subtransactions:: 

	t = revitron.Transaction() 

Or alternatively you can also use the following syntax::

	with revitron.Transaction():

A transaction group can be started using::

	with revitron.TransactionGroup():
import __main__
import os
from pyrevit import script

[docs]class BaseTransaction: """ The base class for Revitron transaction classes. This class should not be used directly. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Init a basic transaction wrapper. """ import revitron self.transaction = revitron.DB.Transaction(revitron.DOC, self._getName())
[docs] def __enter__(self): """ Enter transaction context. """ pass
[docs] def __exit__(self, execType, execValue, traceback): """ Commit the transaction when leaving context. """ self.commit()
def _getName(self): """ Build the transaction name. Returns: string: The generate transaction name. """ try: name = script.get_button().get_title() except: name = '{} - {}'.format( os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(__main__.__file__)), os.path.basename(__main__.__file__).replace('.py', '') ) return name
[docs] def commit(self): """ Commits the open transaction. """ if not self.transaction.HasEnded(): self.transaction.Commit()
[docs] def rollback(self): """ Rolls back the open transaction. """ if not self.transaction.HasEnded(): self.transaction.RollBack()
[docs]class Transaction(BaseTransaction): """ A wrapper class for transactions and subtransactions. A subtransaction is started whenever there is already another active transaction in use. In case the transaction is not a subtransaction, it is possible to optionally suppress warnings and automatically roll back on errors. """
[docs] def __init__(self, doc=None, suppressWarnings=False, rollbackOnError=False): """ Inits a new transaction. Args: doc (object, optional): An optional document to be used instead of the currently active one. Defaults to None. suppressWarnings (bool, optional): Optionally suppress any warning messages displayed during the transaction. Not available in subtransactions. Defaults to False. rollbackOnError: (bool, optional): Optionally roll back automatically on errors. Not available in subtransactions. Defaults to False. """ import revitron if not doc: doc = revitron.DOC if doc.IsModifiable: self.transaction = revitron.DB.SubTransaction(doc) else: name = self._getName() self.transaction = revitron.DB.Transaction(doc, name) if rollbackOnError and suppressWarnings: self._setFailureHandlingOptions( revitron.WarningAndErrorCatcher(), clearAfterRollback=True ) else: if suppressWarnings: self._setFailureHandlingOptions(revitron.WarningCatcher()) if rollbackOnError: self._setFailureHandlingOptions( revitron.ErrorCatcher(), clearAfterRollback=True ) self.transaction.Start()
def _setFailureHandlingOptions(self, failureProcessor, clearAfterRollback=False): """ Set up failure handling. Args: failureProcessor (object): A Revitron Failure object. clearAfterRollback (boolean, optional): Clears errors after rollback. Defaults to False. """ options = self.transaction.GetFailureHandlingOptions() options.SetFailuresPreprocessor(failureProcessor) options.SetClearAfterRollback(clearAfterRollback) self.transaction.SetFailureHandlingOptions(options)
[docs]class TransactionGroup(BaseTransaction): """ The transaction group wrapper. """
[docs] def __init__(self, doc=False): """ Init a new transaction group. Args: doc (bool, optional): The document for the transaction. Defaults to False. """ import revitron if not doc: doc = revitron.DOC self.transaction = revitron.DB.TransactionGroup(doc, self._getName()) self.transaction.Start()
[docs] def __exit__(self, execType, execValue, traceback): """ Commit the transaction when leaving context. """ self.assimilate()
[docs] def assimilate(self): """ Assimilates the open transaction group. """ if not self.transaction.HasEnded(): self.transaction.Assimilate()