Source code for revitron.ui.form

This submodule contains a collection of basic form elements.
import System.Windows
from rpw.ui.forms import CheckBox as RPWCheckBox
from rpw.ui.forms import TextBox as RPWTextBox
from rpw.ui.forms import Label as RPWLabel
from rpw.ui.forms import ComboBox as RPWComboBox

MARGIN = System.Windows.Thickness(0, 0, 0, 10)

[docs]class CheckBox(): """ A simple checkbox component. """
[docs] @staticmethod def create(window, containerName, key, input, title=None): """ A helper function that creates checkbox form element. Args: window (object): The parent window object containerName (string): The name of the parent container key (string): The key that references the value in the window values dictionary input (mixed): The input value title (string, optional): The checkbox title. Defaults to the key. """ import revitron if not title: title = key key = revitron.String.sanitize(key) if isinstance(input, dict): state = input.get(key) else: state = input if not state: state = False container = window.getContainer(containerName) container.Children.Add( RPWCheckBox( key, title, state, Width=window.widthForm, Margin=System.Windows.Thickness(0, 10, 0, 10) ) )
[docs]class Label(): """ A simple label component. """
[docs] @staticmethod def create(window, containerName, text): """ A helper function that creates a label component. Args: window (object): The parent window object containerName (string): The name of the parent container text (string): The label text """ container = window.getContainer(containerName) container.Children.Add(RPWLabel(text))
[docs]class SelectBox(): """ A dropdown field. """
[docs] @staticmethod def create(window, containerName, key, options, input, title=None): """ Create a select dropdown in a specific container of a given window. Args: window (Window): The Revitron Window object containerName (string): The name of the target container key (string): The key options (dict|list): The dict or list of options input (dict|string): The value for the field - a configuration dict where 'key' stores the value, or simply a string title (string, optional): An optional title. Defaults to None. """ import revitron if not title: title = key key = revitron.String.sanitize(key) if isinstance(input, dict): selected = input.get(key) else: selected = input if selected not in options: try: selected = sorted(options.keys())[0] except: selected = sorted(options)[0] container = window.getContainer(containerName) container.Children.Add(RPWLabel(title)) container.Children.Add( RPWComboBox(key, options, selected, Width=window.widthForm, Margin=MARGIN) )
[docs]class TextBox(): """ A text input field """
[docs] @staticmethod def create(window, containerName, key, input, title=None, default=''): """ Create a text box in a specific container of a given window. Args: window (Window): The Revitron Window object containerName (string): The name of the target container key (string): The key input (dict|string): The value for the field - a configuration dict where 'key' stores the value, or simply a string title (string, optional): An optional title. Defaults to None. """ import revitron if not title: title = key key = revitron.String.sanitize(key) if isinstance(input, dict): value = input.get(key) else: value = input if default and not value: value = default container = window.getContainer(containerName) container.Children.Add(RPWLabel(title)) container.Children.Add( RPWTextBox( key, value, Width=window.widthForm, Height=28, Padding=System.Windows.Thickness(4), Margin=MARGIN ) )